Meet The Team

Andy Turner
Andy Turner
CEO & Owner

Andy Turner was raised with a strong sense of service and altruism. His father retired when Andy was young, but he devoted his time to volunteering instead of kicking back. Andy began in the workforce as a teen, helping his brother in financial services. After attending college, Andy obtained his insurance license and began paving his own path in the financial sector. He first started with a different company, but after excelling in sales, his brother offered Andy a job, which he took.

Andy excelled in financial services but didn’t resonate with the structure of the corporate sector and decided to pursue real estate. He did that for many years before partnering with his brother to form an epic reunion in the financial services industry. A few years into the partnership, Andy’s brother became ill with cancer and had to step away, leaving Andy to run the business. With a strong desire to lead altruistically, as his father had done, Andy continued to run the business and incorporated opportunities to give back by creating the Thomas P. Turner Foundation, which sponsors local charity events.

Andy now leads a fiercely independent practice, working with everyone from pro athletes to entrepreneurs to retirees. He is dedicated to helping the hard-working people of his community feel empowered through financial literacy and education, building confidence that their future is secure. Just like Football is what it is today because of Vince Lombardi, Andy is who is because of the honorable leadership of his dad and brother. He has achieved financial freedom for himself and has the expertise to help his community do the same.

Shelby Earl
Shelby Earl
COO & Managing Partner

Shelby Earl comes from a strong entrepreneurial lineage who fiercely etched a sense of independence and leadership in her core.

After attending college, Shelby obtained her insurance license and began her journey in the financial and insurance sector. She first chose to hone her skills within diverse corporate environments and learn from top industry mentors. This preparation set the stage for a successful launch of Hall Of Fame Financial, and Shelby now serves as the managing partner with over seven years of experience in the insurance industry.

In her multifaceted role, Shelby oversees the day-to-day operations at Hall of Fame Financial and excels as a hands-on agent, driving success in today’s dynamic marketplace. With a specialized focus on the senior market, Shelby passionately serves her clients while empowering the agents and agencies she supports. Her proactive approach emphasizes education, training, and in-depth product comprehension.

Outside of the office, Shelby treasures quality time with her family and embraces outdoor adventures. She often explores parks and hiking trails, accompanied by her beloved Goldendoodle, Murphy.

Cathy Gumbiner

Cathy Cumbiner began her journey in financial services as a young mother in 1999. With a young family, she knew enough to know to get life insurance – but never was told the workings of it. This transactional relationship with insurance prompted her passion to advocate for financial literacy. While working with some of the industry greats at both the carrier and FMO level, Cathy was able to share her knowledge and ideas with thousands of agents, clients and marketing organizations across the country.

For over 20 years, Cathy has been sharing her knowledge and expertise with her community through seminars, webinars, workshops, and individual meetings. She aims to align the appropriate education with proper strategies to help her clients reach the life they envision.

Her passion for sports (especially Minnesota Vikings football ) and learning about the physical and financial problems of the retired athletes – brought the idea of Hall Of Fame Financial to light. Focus groups with retired athletes showed her that they all wished they had educated themselves better on their finances. Being able to provide education, additional income opportunities and second career options became a vital pillar for Hall of Fame Financial outside of serving everyday clients and agents.

As an empty nester who proudly raised 3 sons, she enjoys spending her free time spoiling her new grandbaby, visiting friends and family, and of course always bringing her sidekick pups Winston and Pearl along for the journey.
