Estate Planning

While it is not commonly on clients radar, we cannot stress enough the importance of estate planning. You might ask, who qualifies for an estate plan? EVERYONE.
There is no dollar threshold or requirement one must have to plan. If you are breathing, you qualify.
Your home, real estate, car, furniture, life insurance, personal possessions, checking, and savings accounts make part of your estate.
But the question is, what will happen to your estate in case of death or incapacitation?
To ensure that your wishes are fulfilled, you will need to provide a ‘gameplan’ in writing stating whom you want to receive what and when. What is commonly overlooked as well, is the importance of laying out your plan to make sure it is executed with the least amount of taxes and legal fees.

What Are The Five Components Of

Estate Planning

Power Of Attorney
Beneficiary Designations
Health Care Directive Or Medical Directive


Take Away

While it is not commonly on clients radar, we cannot stress enough the importance of estate planning. You might ask, who qualifies for an estate plan? EVERYONE.
Unlike lawyers, we do not charge by the hour. Our goal is lay out your estate ‘gameplan’ that best suits your current situation, and then to annually review and adjust it as needed. This save clients thousands of dollars in legal billable hours.